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Gloria for WhatsApp Setup

Step 0: Requirements to have a Gloria-Powered Whatsapp Account #

Do this Guide in Chrome Browser in a Computer

We have tried multiple browsers, phone and web, and the best option is Google Chrome for Web. Otherwise when you try to verify the meta business account below, it will say that the browser is not supported.

A Verified Meta Business Account.

Gloria AI Dashboard – Information to collect

Copy and have ready the following pieces of Data for the meta configuration:

  • The Verification Token.
  • The Callback URL.

Copy the verification token and Callback URL because the Meta Setup with ask for it.

Step 1: Setting Up Meta (Facebook) Business Account and App #

  1. Create a Meta (Facebook) Business Account (if you do not have one):
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  • Click on “Create an account” if you do not have an account in Meta to create one. Otherwise, log in with your Facebook account to access the Business Manager.
  • Once you have logged in with Facebook or created a Meta Facebook account, you will see the following view.
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  • Click “Create an account”
  • Enter your business name, your name, and work email address.
  • Provide your business details and click “Submit”.
  1. Create a new Meta (Facebook) App at
  • Or create one. Click “Get Started”
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  • Complete the following steps to create a Developer Account
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  • When you login or create an account you will see the following view. Click on “Create App”
  • Choose User Case: “Other” and click “Next”.
  • Choose App Type: “Business” and click “Next”.
  • Provide app details: App Name, App Contact Email, Business Account (Optional), and click “Create app”.

Step 2: Setting Up Meta (Facebook) App for WhatsApp Integration #

1. Add WhatsApp to your Meta (Facebook) App.

  • Choose “WhatsApp” for setup.
  • Select your Meta (Facebook) Business Account (if not selected in step 2).
  • Navigate to App settings > Basic from the sidebar
  • Save changes.
  • Set App Mode to Live.

Step 3: Generate WhatsApp Token #

To obtain a permanent WhatsApp Access Token, follow 1 to 3 steps:

1. Create a “System User”:

  • Visit the Meta Business Suite.
  • Find your business account in the top-left dropdown menu and click its Settings (gear) icon.
  • Click Business Settings.
  • Add an Admin system user.

2. Add Assets.

  • After creating the system user, click on Add Assets.
  • Navigate to Apps > “Your app name“.
  • Select your app and grant full control to manage the app.

3. Generate System User Access Tokens.

  • Click the Generate New Token button on the system user.
  • Choose the app that will use the token and set the token expiration to never.
  • Select “whatsapp_business_messaging” and “whatsapp_business_management” permissions.
  • Generate the token.
  • Copy the access token and store it securely

You will need to share this token with the Gloria AI Team in the last step of this guide.

4. Add a new Business Number for WhatsApp

  • You can use your own business number or utilize the provided test number for your WhatsApp chatbot.
  • In the WhatsApp Developer Dashboard, navigate to WhatsApp > API Setup from the sidebar.
  • Proceed to “Step 5: Add a Phone Number,” and click Add phone number.
  • Provide the details required in the following form.
  • Verify your number using the received code.
  • Once successfully added, select your phone number in Step 1 of API Setup.

5. Add a Payment Method

  • To send messages via WhatsApp, you need a valid payment method. Visit here for details.
  • After adding your business phone number, click “Add payment method” to address the “Missing valid payment method” alert.
  • You’ll be directed to your WhatsApp account settings. Click “Payment Methods” > “Add business payment method” and follow the prompts to add your card info.

6. Test your new Business Number for WhatsApp

  • Return to WhatsApp Developer Dashboard, navigate to API Setup > Step 1.
  • Enter a testing “To” number.
  • Click “Send message” to verify successful message delivery.

Step 4: Configure WhatsApp API Webhook settings #

1. Verify WhatsApp Webhook Callback.

  • In the WhatsApp Developer Dashboard, navigate to Configuration.
  • Under Webhook, click edit.
  • Click Verify and save

2. Configure Webhook Subscription Field

  • Under “Webhook Fields,” click Manage.
  • Find the “messages” field and subscribe to it by checking the box.
  • Clic “Done”

Step 5: Send your WhatsApp account information to the Gloria AI team or complete the form in the Gloria Back office under Settings/Connections. #

1. Retrieve WhatsApp Account Information

You need to send the following information to [email protected]

  • In the WhatsApp Developer Dashboard, navigate to App Settings > Basic
  • Copy the App secret and paste it into the email
  • Copy in an email the permanent access token generated from Step 3.3
  • Also copy your Phone NumberPhone Number ID, and WhatsApp Business Account ID.

Step 6: Our team will review and activate your integration #

Congratulations! Our team will set up everything and now you’ll be ready to assist clients via your WhatsApp number.

FAQs #

WhatsApp Personal vs WhatsApp Business vs WhatsApp + Gloria

  • WhatsApp Personal: Is the normal application that we are used to. Is meant to message, not to do business.
  • WhatsApp Business: This is an application built for businesses to be able to have tools that help communicate their products and services. It has different tools, but it’s very limited in automation. At its score it works similarly to the WhatsApp Personal App.
  • WhatsApp + Gloria: This is the best setup that your business could have. Not only you have access to millions of potential clients using WhatsApp, but you can also train Gloria to respond exactly as you would respond, and let her handle all the conversations for you. Of course, when a conversation is of extreme importance, you can turn off a switch and you will have complete control like if you were using the normal WhatsApp for Business App.

Cost of the WhatsApp service

There are two types of conversations: Business-initated conversations and user-initated conversations.

  • Business-initiated conversations: Can fall into 3 categories, depending on the category of the template used: marketing, utility or authentication. Most common is Marketing.
  • Whatsapp conversations are priced per full conversation.
    • Every time that you send a message outside of a 24-hour window, you open a conversation.

All Meta fees vary by country, check WhatsApp’s pricing calculator in the following link:

Requirements for a business to be approved for WhatsApp

  • Check all the details in:
  • Appoint a system administrator
  • Do not use data to:
    • Track, build, or augment profiles on individual WhatsApp users
    • Share, transfer, sell, license, or distribute such data
    • Retarget on or off of WhatsApp and the Facebook Companies’ services, use piggybacking or redirects, or combine that data with any other third-party sources of data.
  • Reporting: You agree to provide Meta reports related to your usage of the WhatsApp Business Solution, no later than 30 days of the request.

Messages Per Second (MPS) limit for sending WhatsApp messages

  • The limits are usually set by the type of account in The Meta platform. The more messages you send through WhatsApp, the more the limits will be increased, if your spam rate remains low.
  • 80 MPS is the default value, and can be upgraded to 4000 MPS.

Difference between a user initiating a conversation vs a business initiating a conversation

  • User-initiated messaging: The first message is received by the business from the user. This opens a conversation in which the business can reply back with free-form messages. The conversation remains open for 24 hours following the last message received from the user.
  • Business-initiated messaging: Is when the business sends the first message to the user, or replies to the user more than 24-hours after the last message received from the user. Business-initiated messaging requires the use of pre-approved templates.

Kind of phone numbers that can be enabled for WhatsApp

  • 10-digit long codes, local numbers, national numbers and toll-free numbers in most regions.
  • Able to receive an OTP (one-time PIN) code via SMS or phone call (to enable the service).
  • e.164 compliant

How can I add more 2fa methods in my Meta Business Account and why should I do it?

Facebook often asks you for 2fa in order to access some settings like the Security Center on your account. Many times it has been proven that the code does not arrive, sometimes taking hours, and sometimes it doesn’t even happen. For this reason, we need to add other methods of 2fa, otherwise the processes that we need to execute will be stalled.


Types of Authentication

  • Use Authy as an authenticator app: the reason this is the best app, it’s because you can password protect all the other codes that you add in the app. So it only 1 password, you can recover all these authentication codes, even if you change or lose your phone.
  • Recovery codes: create recovery codes and write them down in a safe place. Usually this is used as a backup method.